Herbal Medicinal & Health Service.
Healthcare matters including:
Herbal, and, or, allopathy!
Different medical traditions and approaches to wellbeing!
A House of Lords Save Herbal Medicine Meeting.
European legislation that comes into effect in April 2011, may mean that Herbal medicines will disappear from the UK, leaving pharmaceutical drugs in a monopoly position. Health professionals and leaders meet at a House of Lords conference room, to discuss the complex situation and how best to save traditional Herbal Medicine.
Herbal Medicinal & Health Services issues.
Healthcare matters including:
Herbal, and, or, allopathy!
Different medical traditions and approaches to wellbeing!
A House of Lords Save Herbal Medicine Meeting.
European legislation that comes into effect in April 2011, may mean that Herbal medicines will disappear from the UK, leaving pharmaceutical drugs in a monopoly position. Health professionals and leaders meet at a House of Lords conference room, to discuss the complex situation and how best to save traditional Herbal Medicine.
Herbal Medicinal & Health Services issues.

Giovanni Maciocia

Amarjeet S Bhamra

David Treddnick MP

Desiree Shelley

Dr Geoffrey Clements

Dr Indira Anand

Barrister James Dean

Dr Mamta Parikh

Dr Rami Ranger MBE

Dr Ming Cheng

Dr S Godagama & Lord King

Dr Tamdin Bradley

Gretchen De Soriano

John McDonnel MP

Keith Vaj

Linda Thompson

Lord Dholakia

Lord Hankey

Lord King

Maggy Wallace

Prof Man Fong Mei

Prof Michael Heinrich

Rev Dr Stephen Thompson

Dr Robert Verkerk

Satish Sharma

Sawdeep Garg

Stephen Gorden

Tony Booker

Herbaist campaign Government

Herbalist campaign

National Health Service

Blue meets Orange

NHS Wheel of misfortune

Aneurin Bevan says